MoANA’s rules and regulations are inspired by AANA and local members to help guide our organization’s actions.
Our organization’s standing rules are resolutions and motions governing the actions of MoANA. These rules were adopted to support MoANA’s bylaws.
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) are advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) licensed as independent practitioners. CRNAs practice both autonomously and in collaboration with a variety of health providers on the interprofessional team to deliver high-quality, holistic, evidence-based anesthesia and pain care services. Nurse anesthetists care for patients at all acuity levels across the lifespan in a variety of settings for procedures including, but not limited to, surgical, obstetrical, diagnostic, therapeutic, and pain management. CRNAs serve as clinicians, researchers, educators, mentors, advocates, and administrators.
MoANA’s goal is to provide valuable resources for members regarding conferences, educational opportunities, license renewals and more. Stay current by joining MoANA today!
Learn relevant changes with the Department of Health and how it affects Missouri CRNA’s scope of practice.
Discussion of supervision, including ASA’s position. Standards adopted by JCAHO, and key legislation.
Connect with CRNA’s all over the nation by checking-out their websites!
MoANA has a history of wonderful leaders. Review our past presidents and the years they served!
Sample Anesthesia Protocol documents and to learn about the BNDD Issue.
Exhibits and Venders click HERE to register. Exhibits open from 7-noon on Saturday, March 29th. Sponsorship opportunities also available!
Our new agenda will feature 4 hours of virtual CE (links will be shared with all registrants), 4 hours of classroom learning, AND 4 hours of cutting edge, hands-on training!
Join us for the Cardinals game on 3/29 at 1:15 PM on opening weekend…enjoy food and drinks with family and friends in a party suite and help support your profession. (Tickets available on the registration site.)
The Missouri Association of Nurse Anesthetists (MoANA) has more than 1236 members. MoANA was founded in 1935 by 15 charter members, including Helen Lamb of St. Louis. She became the first president of MoANA and later served as president of the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA), our parent organization.